Indigenous Justice Program
The Indigenous Justice Program supports young Aboriginal men and women who are at risk of engaging in the justice system
​It supports young people with:
Intensive, Individualised Case Management
Transitional Accommodation
Advice, Referral and Information
Cultural Engagement, Family Reconnections, Support and Events
In 2018 the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare reported, nearly 3 in 5 (59%) of young people aged 10–17 in detention were Indigenous, despite Indigenous young people making up only 5% of the general population aged 10–17.
IJP has been developed to assist Indigenous young people reduce reoffending behaviours, connect with their culture and engage positively in their community. IJP aims to do this by holistically addressing the issues that surround offending behaviours, using a client centred approach to support, underpinned by the principles of Trauma Informed Practice and a focus on individualised goal setting, and a commitment to long term support, based on client need.
Engaging in IJP is voluntary, and all young people being supported are encouraged to play an active role in their support and achievement of their identified goals.

The Casework Program is offered to Indigenous young men and women who are on Juvenile Justice Orders or are at risk of engaging in the justice system. Eligible young people will have access to casework and cultural development support. The IJP team will assist in addressing target areas as identified by the young person to; better their health, cease offending behaviours, engage with culture, further their education, gain employment, build skills and independence and provide support in addressing any other ongoing needs as they arise.
IJP Housing Program:
This intensive support Housing Program is offered to Indigenous young men exiting the Frank Baxter Juvenile Justice Centre at Kariong who wish to reside on the Central Coast and are aged between 16 and 18 at the time of referral. The young men in this program will participate in a Living Skills program as a pre-requisite of gaining tenancy. Young people participating in the housing component of the IJP program will also have assistance for up to two years in their own property with:
Intensive case management
1:1 ongoing living skills support
Tenancy assistance
Individualised goal setting and independence building
Cultural engagement
Family connections
Referral Process:
Anyone who is thinking of referring a young person is asked to consider the young person’s readiness to participate in the program and discuss with the young person the things they would like to achieve with IJP support.
RYSS welcomes referrals from all services, community members, and by young people themselves. To make a referral, phone the number below and ask to speak with an IJP caseworker about a new referral and we will guide you through the intake process and offer any advice and information you may need.
Be Indigenous and aged between 16 and 18 years old.
Be in the care of a Juvenile Justice facility, recently released from a facility or have a current Juvenile Justice Order or be at risk of gaining a Juvenile Justice Order.

RYSS Cultural Connections Program
Ngaliya - We All Together
The RYSS Indigenous Justice Program is proud to present our Cultural Connections Program, Ngaliya - We All Together. The Ngaliya Program focuses on bringing at-risk Indigenous young people, aged 14 - 17, together for weekly activities and workshops to connect and engage with their culture and community.
For any further information and enquiries please contact The IJP Caseworker by using the contact form at the button below or call 4323 2374
This project is proudly funded by