Supports children, young people and families aged 12 - 17 with:
Intensive, Individualised Case Management
Transitional Accommodation
Advice, Referral and Information
A shopfront youth service that provides one on one support, assessments, casework & referrals to services. RYSS is your point of access on the Central Coast for high quality services, resources and facilities specifically tailored to people aged 12 – 25 years of age.
Call in and see us at:
131 Henry Parry Drive
Gosford NSW, 2250
The Indigenous Justice Program supports young Aboriginal men and woman aged 14-18 who are at risk of engaging in the justice system. IJP has been developed to assist Indigenous young people to reduce reoffending behaviours, connect with their culture and engage positively in their community. IJP aims to do this by holistically addressing the issues that surround offending behaviours, using a client-centred approach.
We offer a range of Independence Building Programs that aim to transition young people to independence through gaining skills and resources to apply for accommodation in the private market or enter a community program.
Casework Program:
RYSS offers a range of case management options where the needs and goals of the individual are key to our support. Innovation and creativity drive the design and implementation of intensive case planning and early intervention strategies. Our supports focus on the development of life skills, building independence and resilience, to ensure children, young people, and families are empowered to achieve their potential. Placement in the Casework program involves regular support to assist the young person to develop life management skills. This is based on the young person’s needs with a case plan developed in consultation with the young person.
If you would like more information of have an enquiry about any of our Targeted Early Intervention services please fill in the enquiry form at the button below or call RYSS on
4323 2374
Targeted Early Intervention
The Targeted Early Intervention team aims to provide support to vulnerable children, young people and families to stop problems escalating and to reduce the likelihood of children and young people entering or remaining in child protection and out-of-home care.